The Harlow Report

The Harlow Report-GIS

2023 Edition

ISSN 0742-468X
Since 1978
On-line Since 2000

first published week of:   02/06/2023

Precisely Expands Global Data Enrichment and Geo Addressing Coverage, Unlocking Location-Based Context for Customers Around the World

by Precisely Press Release

Precisely extends commitment to power global businesses with fast and easy data enrichment for confident decision-making

Precisely, … announced the regional expansion of its unique location identifier, the PreciselyID, for its World Points of Interest (POI) data offering. Points of interest located in the US, Canada, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Sweden, and Singapore now benefit from accurate, standardized, and meaningful data – allowing businesses to streamline location-based decision-making across multiple regions of operation.

Disruption from the pandemic and other world events has had a lasting impact on many aspects of day-to-day life, including shopping habits, work location, and travel behaviors – making it even more important for businesses to be able to access accurate and current data on points of interest.

But keeping POI data fresh is no small feat, even for companies such as Google, who recently revealed that it removed seven million fake business profiles and prevented 12 million from being created throughout 2021 alone. Standardizing POI data is just as difficult; differences in address standards, language, character variations, or a lack of accurate address data, make it challenging for companies to effectively operationalize data from multiple regions.

 Read full story at Precisely